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Meet the team

From our business model that we created since the brand's foundation in 2012 to our company culture and sustainable product design, we see our business as a vehicle to impact the gaming industry.
Impact starts with how we operate. That means taking into account ethics and perfectionism at all stages of our business. We understand our customers' requirements and tailor our products to them. Our team comprises highly skilled professionals with invaluable experience spanning several decades and knowledge about games.


Key Figures

Lachezar Petrov v2

Lachezar Petrov

Martin Ivanov

Martin Ivanov

Chief Operating Officer
boyko twam

Boyko Boev

Deputy COO
mitko team

Dimitar Nikolov

Chief Product Officer
Monika Zlateva

Monika Zlateva

Chief Commercial Officer
Antonio Donov

Antonio Donov

Senior Business Development Manager EMEA & Asia
Diego Verano

Diego Verano

Head of Business Development LATAM
silvia 1

Silvia Hristova

Chief Partner Success Officer
Smilena Website

Smilena Ilieva

Kiril site

Kiril Kirilov

Roberto Munoz

Roberto Muñoz

Account manager
Shiran Schneider

Shiran Schneider

Account manager
Sergey Atanasov

Sergey Atanasov

Director Of Technical Department

Filip Simeonov

QA Dep Tester
Blagovest Blagoev v2

Blagovest Blagoev

Graphic Designer